Rules & Constitution



  1. The society will be known as THE BARNES AND MORTLAKE ANGLING AND PRESERVATION SOCIETY. Its objective shall be the protection of the natural environment and to foster fellowship among its Members. 


  1. All Members shall hold a current Environment Agency rod licence. 
  2. All Members shall be full Members, either Senior, Junior, Minor, OAP or Disabled. Minors shall become Juniors if their 12th birthday falls before the date of the subscription renewal. Juniors shall become a senior if their 18th birthday falls before the date of the subscription renewal. 
  3. Newly accepted Members shall pay the full annual subscription and levy. 
  4. No applicant shall be admitted to the society unless they have completed the application process in a satisfactory manner.
  5. Any applicant who has: a. been refused membership by any other club, b. has had their membership revoked or withdrawn, or c. is a defaulter to any other club, shall make it known to the society. The Committee reserve the right to withhold Membership upon failure to disclose the above, or for any reason and without explanation
  6. Members 16 and under must be accompanied by a Member over 18 when day or night fishing. 
  7. The fishery closure dates are as follows: 
    1. Shadwell 21st December to 28th/29th February.                                                                                                       
    2. Thames Young Mariners Open all year around.                                                                                                          
    3. Potomac Gunnersbury 21st December to 31st January. 
    4. The Copse Pool – 21st December to 28th/29th February.


  1. The full annual subscription and any other dues shall become payable with the application form. Notice of such items and amounts shall be sent to Members by the Secretary and shall be paid by the date on the form to the address quoted by cheque, postal order or online bank transfer. Membership subscriptions are also available and payable via the BMAPS website.
  2. No Member (except Hon life Members) shall be entitled to a Membership card until their subscription has been paid. Members not having renewed their subscription by the date shown on the renewal notice shall be liable to forfeit their right to renew Membership. 
  3. Newly accepted Members shall pay the entry fee and pay full annual subscription and levy. 
  4. Non-fishing Guests, two people per Member, at a cost of £15 per season are available to add onto your membership via the website. No Guest tickets will be issued to under 16 Members (Excludes Junior Members for parents/carers). 
  5. Fishing Guest tickets (Dawn until Dusk) are available at a cost of £12.50 for seniors and £7.50 for Juniors on both Shadwell’s and Gunnersbury Only. Fishing Guest tickets are available for BMAPS members to purchase from the BMAPS website ONLY via card payment, no cash will be accepted. Fishing Guest Tickets are only available on Shadwell Pool & Gunnersbury and NOT Thames Young Mariners. All non-members fishing on Guest tickets, whether dawn until dusk or 24hr, must be accompanied by a fully subscribed Senior BMAPS member.


  1. Any Member accused of breaching of society rules shall be called before the Committee to make answer to the charge. The Committee shall report their findings and recommendations to the next open meeting. 
  2. Any Member having complaint against another Member and desiring such complaint to be brought before the society, shall attempt to ascertain the other Members membership number and shall send full details to the Secretary. Due notice should be given to all parties concerned, of the date, time and place of the hearing of the complaint. 
  3. The complaint shall be heard by the Committee, after hearing the complaint the Committee shall give its decision on the matter. 
  4. The Committee shall have the right to summon a Member to attend before the Committee for a breach of club rules or for any Members bringing discredit upon the society. The Member shall be deemed summoned before the Committee upon the Secretary sending due notice by Email or recorded post to the last known address of the Member. Should the Member fail to attend at the time and the place stated upon the said notice, without an acceptable reason for non-attendance, the Member shall be liable to suspension or expulsion from the society. The Membership book and Membership card are the property of the society, and is held by the Member named therein, and is not transferable.


  1. Open meetings shall be held on the 2nd Thursday of February (AGM), June and December. 
  2. The Chairman or Vice Chairman shall commence the meeting at 8pm (should either be unable to attend a Committee Member will officiate) and advise Members of the agenda. Meetings shall cease by 10.30pm. 
  3. The Secretary will read the minutes of the Committee meeting to the Members. The Secretary will record minutes throughout the meeting.
  4. Correspondence, when relevant, will be read e.g. Treasurers report. 
  5. Up to date match reports will be given by the Match Secretary. Other reports will be given by official representative. 
  6. Items Members wish the Committee to discuss and assess will be recorded by the Secretary (for evaluation at the next Committee meeting and report back to the society at the earliest opportunity). 
  7. Once items 3 – 6 have been dealt with, the meeting may then continue as an open discussion. 
  8. Members shall respect the Authority of the Chairman when addressing the meeting. The Chairman may order the temporary suspension from the meeting of any Member who fails to respect the authority of the Chairman. 


  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the 2nd Thursday in February at the society’s meeting room or at another venue approved by a vote of Members on or before the date of the previous open meeting. 
  2. The order of business shall be as follows: 
    1. Proposals for the alteration of rules, which shall have been presented to the Secretary in writing not later than the previous open meeting.
    2. Minutes of the previous A.G.M. 
    3. Financial report and balance sheet for the year ending January 31st, auditors report and recommendations. 
    4. Annual subscription. Entry fee. 
    5. Correspondence.
    6. A proposition when seconded shall be open to discussion and no Member shall speak more than once in a debate, except to raise a point of order, or seek information, on which the Chairman shall rule. The proposer shall have the right to reply to the debate immediately before the vote is taken. 
    7. Election of officers: i. Chairman ii. Vice Chairman iii. Hon. Secretary iv. Hon. Treasurer v. Match Secretary vi. Fisheries Officer vii. Head Bailiff viii. Disabled/ OAP representative 
    8. 9 Members to form the Committee 
    9. i. Election of non-voting officers: 2 Auditors 
  3. Status of officers within the club President and Vice President are only in name.
    1. Chairman to oversee all club and Committee business and each Member shall have one vote. The Chairman only holds a casting vote.
    2. Hon. Secretary to take minutes of all Committee and club meetings and to deal with correspondence.
    3. Match Secretary to take all bookings for club matches. 
    4. Match Secretary to carry out pegging of matches when required. 
    5. Fishery Officers to maintain anything appertaining to society waters. 
    6. f. In the event of an officer or Committee Member resigning or otherwise ceasing to hold office, the vacancy shall be filled by election at an open meeting. 
    7. An Extraordinary Annual General Meeting may be convened by a vote of Members at an open meeting, a minimum of 12 Members to vote in favour of Ex. A.G.M. 


  1. The Management Committee consists of up to 9 members elected at the A.G.M. The Committee shall meet on the 3rd Thursday in the month if there are any matters requiring their attention. 5 members will form a quorum and names of those present shall be recorded. In an emergency the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman or Vice Chairman, to arrange a meeting giving the Committee Members not less than three days’ notice
  2. The Management Committee will be totally responsible for the running of the society during its two years in office. 
  3. To consider any disciplinary matters. 
  4. To consider any matters not provided for under these rules, or any question regarding their interpretation. 
  5. To decide a limit of numbers to be admitted to the society from time to time. They may nevertheless recommend the admission of a Member even if it exceeds the limit agreed. 
  6. To consider the proposal for Rule changes and have the right to recommend an amendment.
  7. To consider the proposed venues for the next season. 
  8. Minutes of the Committee meetings shall be read out at the next open club meeting and shall be accepted. 
  9. The Committee shall consider any item put forward by a Member and reply at the next open meeting. A Member may write to the Secretary with the suggestions. 
  10. The club meeting will consist of a minimum of 3 Committee Members, one to be the Secretary.